Thursday, August 18, 2011

Get Serious About Politics!

Leggies and gentlepears, step right up to see the dysenterious curds of the equatorial gridlock pajama zone. Canadian television hath provided us with shapely hams and illiterate green bees and thrashed potatoes upon a bed of an incontinent AIDS rapist named Chintzy Pelter. For one thin dime or two lard-assed nickels you will see lay-z-boys jettisoned from falling skyscrapers, all matching kids overalls 50% off this weekend on the top floor of Sky Ticklers in Concord on Willow Pass Rd open weekdays 'til 8(a.m.) weekends 'til 5(b.m.), DVD players for four bucks, ADD Mayors commandeer trucks, PCP lawyers biscuiting crux, OPP sayers rescinding fucks, mushpot gooses cursing ducks, cars banana-ed out by the rapping simians of Btv’s Chimp my Ride, slinky eye glasses, fart rashed asses, blast viceroys with molasses, and as always try the dump dip.